Guest Posting In 2024: Expert Tips & Tricks

Guest Posting In 2024: Expert Tips & Tricks

Back in the dark ages of content marketing, the Wild West days when nobody understood what they were doing, it was enough to write a blog post. 

Then, it was enough to add images to your blog posts. Then, it was enough to have an author byline on your posts. 

Now, it’s not just about creating a blog post; you need to create a great blog post or all your hard work will be for nothing.

Why? Google is getting smarter and smarter, and thus so are its users. Simply adding keywords into a post won’t rank you any higher anymore. In fact, it might get you penalized.

Guest blogging is an excellent practice of contributing a post to another person’s blog way for marketers to promote their blogs and websites. This type of marketing helps you gain exposure, increase traffic, build quality links, and establish authority in your niche.

Posting on another website can be a great way to increase your own site’s traffic and readership. As an added bonus, guest posting can also boost your reputation in your niche and help you develop relationships with other bloggers.

Write for us guest post submission nomadic wizard abhishek saraswat

But guest posting is not as easy as just writing a post and sending it off to the publisher.

It requires a lot of work to make sure that you are doing everything right, from choosing the right publication for your post to optimizing your final draft for search engines.

The only way to rank high in search engines is to write good content that people will want to read (and share) over and over again.

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And if you want to write guest posts and get paid for it, you’ll need to know how to do that too. 

There are a lot of misconceptions about guest posting. These misconceptions have led many people to believe that guest posting is dead. But it’s not — it’s just changed.

Guest posting has changed for the better, and I’m going to show you how it can help you grow your online business.

It has been around for a while now, but it isn’t going anywhere — in fact, with Google’s latest algorithm changes, it’s more important than ever. 

Guest posting can help you build a name for yourself in your industry and get people interested in your content. But how do you go about writing the perfect guest post?

5 Guest Posting Tips & Tricks That Works In 2023:

1. Nail The Topic

Before you begin writing your post, make sure that you have a good understanding of what you’re going to write about. 

This might seem like common sense, but you would be amazed at how many people (myself included) have written well over half of their posts before realizing that they’ve gone slightly off-topic. 

Try to stick to the main keywords that you want to target and make sure they are used in the title, headings, and throughout the post.

2. Avoid Keyword Stuffing

Don’t go overboard with the keyword density in your posts because it will not only look unnatural but will also affect the readability of your post. 

As a general rule of thumb, I aim for around 1-2% keyword density when writing my posts. Of course, this is just a rough estimate, but as long as you don’t go overboard with it, then it should be fine.

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3. Don’t Get Too Creative With The Title

It may be tempting to use buzzy words or a catchy play on words for the title of your guest post, but this could actually hurt your chances of getting read. 

You want people to click on your article because it sounds helpful or informative, not just because it has an eye-catching title. 

A good rule of thumb is to keep the title short, clear, and relevant to the article’s content.

Guest Posting In 2024: Expert Tips & Tricks 2

4. Write Naturally

Link building is very important for SEO purposes, but if the quality of the content on your page is poor then search engines are less likely to rank it highly. 

Try to share your knowledge in a simple way as if you are talking to a friend about a topic. Using complex terms may turn out to be boring for your readers and they might bounce off to another site. 

Answering people’s queries in the simplest way without missing the key details should be your goal. 

5. Make sure that the site you’re writing for has some authority in the search engines

— otherwise, you won’t get much benefit from writing there (it might even hurt you). 

To check how authoritative a site is, use Open Site Explorer and/or Ahrefs’ Site Explorer tool to see how many links point to it (and who links to it). 

You can also enter its URL into SEMRush or SpyFu to see if any terms are associated with it in the search results (and what those terms are). 

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This Dummies’ Guide to Digital Marketing can be of great help if you are just getting started and need help understanding the digital marketing jargon. Also, you can have a look at How Social Media Marketing Benefits To Your Business?

This 10 points checklist for guest posting tips & tricks will be of great help to you:

1. Find the right sites, with the right audience

2. Use high-quality images

3. Write long content in a short format

4. Try to avoid keyword stuffing, too many images, and affiliate links

5. Focus on writing good content that is useful to the reader

6. Try not to use too many keywords, instead focus on keyword phrases

7. Avoid duplicate content and try not to use too many external links

8. Be careful with anchor text – it should be relevant to the content of your post

9. Try to include internal links in your guest posts

10. The best way to get more traffic from guest blogging is by using social media

Hope this article gave you a clear overview of guest posting and how to make the best out of it for yourself and your clients. 

If you have a relatable topic in mind and you are looking for a platform to publish it, know more about contributing a guest post on our blog by following this link:


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